History of Parnassos    

Pictures from events of the 2011/12 season.     


Members of Parnassos singing the "Kalanda" prior to
cutting the "Vasilopita

Cutting of the Vassilopita by Ambassador E. Aghelopoulos
Parnassos 2011 Dinner/Dance (Left to right:
His Excellency, Mr. E. Aghelopoulos, Ambassador of Greece, Dr. and Mrs. A.C. Vikis and Mr. Y. Roussos
Members of Parnassos dancing Greek folk dances at the 2011Annual Dinner/Dance
"Singing a 2500-year Old Story" stars Dimitris Ilias and Maria Diamantis (fifth and sixth from the left) surrounded by the event’s organizing committee and members of the Parnassos executive
Members of Parnassos at a lunch meeting with
His Excellency the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Anastasiadis (third from the right)

Mission of Parnassos

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